This program is made available to young people wishing to acquire “the scientific palette”.
Finding a concept, structuring an idea, reviewing current research, following the scientific method, presenting a project to various audiences: this will no longer hold any secrets for Science:next participants.
A series of workshops and events with dedicated experts is offered throughout the academic year not only to help students prepare for the National Jonk Fuerscher Contest but also to equip them with invaluable skills for their future studies and careers!
Do not hesitate to contact us at or if you have any questions!
A platform to train the next generation of young scientists
Workshops Overview
Upcoming Workshops
9 January 2025 (20:00-21:15)
Grand Théâtre, Studio (1, Rond point Schuman, Luxembourg)
Workshop 8: Birth
Guillaume Pigé (Director, Theatre Re)
This production depicts the interconnected narratives of three generations of women within a single family, as they go through pregnancy, motherhood, marriage, and loss. Through a blend of mime, theatre, and live music, Birth takes us on a poignant journey, with the transformative power of storytelling in visual theatre.
30 January 2025 (17:00-19:00)
The Foundry, Golden Lady Room (38, Route d'Esch, Luxembourg)
Workshop 9: Writing Report Techniques
Maude Pauly (Member of the Scientific Unit, Chambre des députés)
What is the typical format of a scientific report? How to use the appropriate language? A very useful workshop not only for succinct academic writings, but also for future successful essays and thesis writings. N.B: Participants should bring their laptops!
6 February 2025 (17:00-19:00)
Forum Geesseknäppchen, Salle 10 (40, Bd Pierre Dupong, Luxembourg)
Workshop 10: Poster Design Techniques
Guillaume Trap (Program Leader - Science & Education, FJSL)
Nina Ruppert (Expert in Pedagogical Offers, SNJ)
What should be the structure of a scientific poster? How to make it attractive to readers? A creative workshop where participants will learn the basics of visual communication while sketching their projects and understanding printing constraints. N.B: Participants should bring their laptops!
8 February 2025 (17:00-18:30)
Théâtre des Capucins (9, Pl du Théâtre, Luxembourg)
Workshop 11: Verdant Echoes
Elisabeth Schilling (Choreographer, Elisabeth Schilling & Company)
Odile Weber (Botanist, MNHN)
This panel discussion will be examining different aspects of plants intricate lives and their interconnectivity to the worlds around them. It will include research, art, and choreography, promising to open new horizons on transdisciplinary exploration and creation.
13 February 2025 (18:00-20:00)
Forum Geesseknäppchen, Salle 360° (40, Bd Pierre Dupong, Luxembourg)
Workshop 12: Oral Presentation Techniques
Dirk Daenen (Communication Expert, Ministry of Education)
How to make your project real for the judges? How to use voice, tone, and body language to engage your audience? A vibrant workshop to gain experience on stage as well as in small groups presentations, and to learn the secret of an appealing booth where people want to stop and find out more.
27 February (17:00-19:00)
Forum Geesseknäppchen, Salle 9 (40, Bd Pierre Dupong, Luxembourg)
Workshop 13: Stress Management Techniques
Michelle George (Coach, RubixPotential)
What are the neuroscience theories behind self-care and mental health? What are the proven strategies to activate resources while dealing with uncomfortable situations? A peaceful and practical workshop/discussion to prepare for all kinds of stressful events.
15 March 2025 (9:00-10:00, TBC)
Forum Geesseknäppchen, Salle 360° (40, Bd Pierre Dupong, Luxembourg)
Workshop 14: Showcasing Projects Internationally
Sousana Eang (Director of FJSL)
What are the peculiarities of the main international science contests? How to proudly represent Luxembourg in science fairs abroad? An essential masterclass for future laureates of the National Jonk Fuersher Contest.
15 March 2025 (16:30-16:50, TBC)
Forum Geesseknäppchen, Salle 360° (40, Bd Pierre Dupong, Luxembourg)
Workshop 15: A Lifelong Career in Research
Michel Goedert (Neuroscientist, University of Cambridge)
How to get from the National Jonk Fuerscher Contest to a successful career in academic research? Find out more about the brilliant example of Prof. Goedert, Royal medalist 2019 and member of the very first class of Jonk Fuerscher in 1971.
15 May 2025 (20:00-21:00)
Grand Théâtre, Studio (1, Rond point Schuman, Luxembourg)
Workshop 16: New Beginning
David Shearing (Director, Variable Matter)
Andrew Ferrone (Deputy Director of Climate and sustainable Development, Ministry of Environment, Climate, and Biodiversity)
This immersive play uses cutting-edge technologies with multidimensional video projections and draws us into the depths of a magical forest where both the past and the possible future of our planet unfolds. As the hidden wonders of our natural environment and the impending dangers it faces materialise, we are invited to reflect on the intricate interconnection between humanity and nature. The show will be followed by a round table with Dr Ferrone.
8 July 2025 (19:00-21:00, TBC)
Workshop 17 + Concert: Music from Drawing Curves
Bruno Teheut (Assistant Professor, University of Luxembourg)
What are the similarities between maths experimentation and artistic production? Is trial and error also relevant in theoretical projects? An inspiring art & science workshop to demystify and gamify abstract research while enjoying music. The workshop will be followed by food and live music to celebrate the end of the Science:next season! N.B: Participants should bring their laptops!
Past Workshops
Forum Geesseknäppchen, Salle 9
(40, Bd Pierre Dupong, Luxembourg)
3 October 2024
WORKSHOP 1: The Scientific Method
Guillaume Trap (Program Leader - Science & Education, FJSL)
What is so special about the way science works? What are the processes behind discoveries? Fun and interactive activities based on desk toys/experiments will introduce participants to the methods used by researchers.
(1B, rue Auguste Lumière, Luxembourg)
10 October 2024
WORKSHOP 2: The Engineering Method
Ingénieurs & Scientifiques du Luxembourg a.s.b.l
What is so special about the way engineering works? What are the processes behind innovations? A fun and interactive activity based on a "cleaning mouse" will introduce participants to the methods used by engineers.
The Foundry, Golden Lady Room
(38, Route d'Esch, Luxembourg)
17 October 2024
WORKSHOP 3: Project Ideas Generation Techniques
Sébastien Wiertz (General Manager, Paul Wurth InCub)
What is a good research question? What is a good innovation project? A mind mapping workshop to nurture creativity, brainstorm and help organise participants ideas.
21 November 2024
Forum Da Vinci (6, Bd Grande-Duchesse Charlotte, Luxembourg)
WORKSHOP 4: Efficient Information Research
Guillaume Trap (Program Leader - Science & Education, FJSL)
Serge Quazzotti (Director, IPIL)
What are the essential refereed papers and patents databases? How should pictures and authors be cited? A lively workshop to give participants tips and insights on how to look up information in all kinds of specialised literature.
N.B: Participants should bring their laptops!
22 November 2024
Grand Théâtre, Studio
(1, Rond point Schuman, Luxembourg)
WORKSHOP 5: In The Bushes
Léa Tirabasso (Choreographer, Lipstick Traces)
This show challenges the common notion of humans being the pinnacle of evolution. It embraces humanity and all its incoherencies, exploring questions of shame, stigma, and societal norms, revealing our vulnerable, exposed selves with exuberant fervour.
The Foundry, Golden Lady Room
(38, Route d'Esch, Luxembourg)
5 December 2024
WORKSHOP 6: Fact Checking and Critical Thinking
Tracy Heindrichs (Reporter, Luxembourg Times)
What are the caveats to take into account when searching for information in the press and more generally on the web? How to identify scientific fake news? A vivid workshop to sharpen your insight. N.B: Participants should bring their laptops!
19 December 2024
Forum Geesseknäppchen, Salle 9
(40, Bd Pierre Dupong, Luxembourg)
WORKSHOP 7: Data Collection and Evaluation
Valérie Maquil (Senior Researcher, LIST)
What are the basics of quantitative vs qualitative data collection? How to evaluate the quality of a dataset? An immersive workshop where participants will take data through a collaborative video game, and analyse them using statistics.
N.B: Participants should bring their laptops!
The Trainers
Guillaume Trap
WORKSHOPS 1, 4, & 10
Ingénieurs & Scientifiques du Luxembourg a.s.b.l
Sébastien Wiertz
Serge Quazzotti
Tracy Heindrichs
Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg
WORKSHOPS 5, 8, 11, 16
Valérie Maquil
Maude Pauly
Nina Ruppert
Dirk Daenen
Michelle George
Sousana Eang
Michel Goedert
Bruno Teheut