Results of the 52nd National Jonk Fuerscher Contest!

Results of the 52nd edition of the National Jonk Fuerscher Contest:

On Friday 17 and Saturday 18 March 2023, 73 participants presented their 50 projects - covering a wide variety of fields such as biology, chemistry, or IT & engineering - to the members of the jury of the 52nd national Jonk Fuerscher contest at the Forum Campus Geesseknäppchen.

This year again, each team was designated a specific time slot to defend their project during a live streamed congress. In addition, the Fondation Jeunes Scientifiques Luxembourg (FJSL) specifically designed to allow the Luxembourg audience to discover what moves our next generation of scientists.

The young contestants, aged between 11 and 21, were awarded prestigious prizes in the presence of Madame la ministre des finances Yuriko Backes, Madame la Ministre de l'Environnement, du Climat et du Développement durable Joelle Welfring and European Commission representative in Luxembourg, Mrs. Anne Calteux; according to their age, their field of study, and the quality of their work. 

The Fondation Jeunes Scientifiques Luxembourg is proud to award every single participants with a prize, leading them to various Science events across the globe and among the top competitors, the jury was pleased to award Petra Straga  with this a full month of science programs of scientific research, learn more about the Weizmann Institute, and establish friendships with like-minded students from different countries at the University of Jerusalem thanks to our sponsor Fondation Matanel, for the excellency of her work and presentation. Her Study “ACID against anxiety" shed light on on how lysergic diethylamide acid can be used to treat anxiety disorders. 

Two other projects from Maxime Buck (MarblesVR, a puzzle game developed using unity for VR masks) and Moritz Rohner (Analyse der Methode des Druckluftantriebs und ihre Anwendung auf Modellraketen) will lead the two young laureates to represent Luxembourg at REGENERON ISEF (International Science and Engineering Fair) in the U.S.  the largest science competition in the world. This prize is generously sponsored by Brunata Metrona.

Here is the complete List:

Weizmann International Summer Science Institute (ISSI)

Petra Straga - Acid against Anxiety


Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF)

Maxime Buck  - Marbles VR

Moritz Rohner - Analyse der Methode des Druckluftantriebs und ihre Anwendung auf Modellraketen


European Union Contest for Young Scientists (EUCYS)

Illona Dausse - Investigating the effect of sulphur dioxide on fruticose lichens in Luxembourg

Amélia Hatch - An investigation into the antiseptic properties of Manuka honey

Emma Mules - To what extent do the following factors, exposure to medical radiation imaging, working in nuclear facilities and uranium mining, show a relationship with the incidence of brain tumours in Canada and Austria?


Taïwan International Science Fair (TISF)

Krezimir HYZYK - Local Positioning System

Steve Mendeleev - Edge Points in Three-Dimensional Arithmetic Billiards


London International Youth Science Forum (LIYSF)

Federica Maestri - Machine Learning, an Ally in Breast Cancer Prediction

Bartolomej NOWAK - Robot Control Simulation Using Deep Reinforcement Learning


Prix de l‘action climat et du développement durable COP 28 – Dubaï

David Delizotti - Which biodiesels made from the following vegetable oils: olive oil, sesame oil, sunflower oil, canola oil and corn oil combust the best?

Illona Dausse - Investigating the effect of sulphur dioxide on fruticose lichens in Luxembourg


International Swiss Talent Forum (ISTF)

David Delizotti - Which biodiesels made from the following vegetable oils: olive oil, sesame oil, sunflower oil, canola oil and corn oil combust the best?


IFEST Tunisia

Paula den Otter, Arvidas Anderson, Alexandra Senn - Lifestyle factors of university students and its affect on the prevalence of back pain


Expo Sciences Denmark

Christopher Garguilo, Thomas Litt – Neptune: The Future of Energy

Sarah Mackel - Brain Tumors


I giovani e le scienze 2023

Séléna El Hafidi - Methods for detecting Telomerase in breast cancer diagnosis

Dylan Ramsurrun and Alina Schweitzer - Mycogrow: The Benefits of Mycorrhiza


National Science Exhibition Portugal

Kyna Bhandari - Evaluating the Efficiency of Hydroponic Farming

Aikaterina Karageorgiadi  -  To what extent are certain treatments used to prevent hormone breast cancers from re-appearing in women?

Avanti Sharma - Studified - A software process for verifying student identities online


Mobisciences Morocco - Printemps des Sciences à Fès – Meknès

Sofia El Hafidi – Venom of scorpion can reduce the severity of Rheumatoid Arthritis 

Shérine El Hafidi - How Memory works?

Rodion Zaichikov – Kartografische Rakete für Marsmissionen

Alina Liedtke - Assessing the Viability of Nuclear Fusion as a Component of Energy Generation


Mobisciences France - Exposciences en Occitanie

Daniil Murzykaev - Theory of Institutional Evolvement by Conscious Arbitrariness 

Alexandre Lebedev – Evaluating the effects of acid rain in a controlled environment

Alexandra Dorshenko – Effect of mould on us and products around us

Arnit Dey – 2020forALL


Mobisciences Belgium - Science-Expo Bruxelles

Rebecca Kranjec, Margherita Cardini Guilia Viaggi -  Mask Mission 

Batool Bdour – ReactIT


Scienteens Academy

Theodore Stanica, Gaspar Arvai  - SIPTIP


Euro Space Center

Sofia Chemolutska - Black Hole

Maciej Goraj, Adam Goraj - Can we see object on the moon


German Science Trip

Calin Ungureanu – Quiz

Paul Fontaine, Fabien Friederici, Jonathan Kard-Despeux - Cylindre botanique hydroponique

Shemsy Badr, Angeliki Xydakis, Gil Luka Reckinger - How different teaching methods effect students‘memorization 


German Science Trip

Tanay Kamik, Aurelia Wells - The Digital Laboratory

Nishita Vella – Xenotransplantation


Science Festival Luxembourg

Darina Dyba & Tanisha - Science behind Henna

Adriana Senn - Alcohol quite a common problem

Nora & Emma Braun – Manipulatioun

Goncalo Fonseica – Beerobot & Beerocket

Loris Durh - Herstellung von Filament für den 3D Drucker aus rezyklierten Plastikflaschen 


Sven Weyrich, Felix Petesch, Miguel Cerqueira  - Study of the reliability and scientific added value of DIY solar cells present on the Internet

Joé, bob and Lio Delli Zotti - Autonome unbemannte Flugobjekte-Anwendung zur Lösung zeitgenössiger Probleme

Xinyi Xiong, Lyra Wells, Sanaa Bhandari - Rainwater Harvesting

Awa Ndiaye, Belmin Klica - What are dreams?

Noémie Rapenne - Optimisation de l'altitude d'une fusée à eau

Eymen Esmer - Shoes with electricity generation during walking and running

Deniz Krier & Arthur Julien - Effizienz von HHO-Motoren  


Be part of 52 years old story, that has shaped the research landscape in Luxembourg!